

-------- 元メール --------
送信者: "Stephan Bösch-Plepelits" <sk...@xover.htu.tuwien.ac.at>
送信日: Sat Aug 03 15:04:11 JST 2013
宛先: OSM developer list <d...@openstreetmap.org>
件名: [OSM-dev] Introducing PGMapCSS 0.1.0


I spent the last week hacking together a new project. It's an
implementation of MapCSS for Mapnik, called PGMapCSS. Yet another? No. In
contrast to other CSS implementations for Mapnik, PGMapCSS runs in the
database and evaluates the CSS rules for every object. This makes more
advanced checks and calculations possible; even geometric modifications
are possible (though not implemented yet).

Mapnik just needs to read those values and render them.

And this is currently the big limitation of this method: Mapnik can't use
expressions for most of it's Symbolizer options (not even colors or
rotation angles).
(This is something that already annoyed me when I first started to use
Mapnik in 2008 - see Mapnik issue #828).

So, PGMapCSS is currently only a technological experiment. Though for a
technological experiment it's already quite full-featured.

And here is the precious link to the source and documentation:

What you need:
* PostgreSQL + PostGIS
* osm2pgsql
* Some way to render a mapnik file, e.g. mod_tile + renderd

Check out the source, play with it, fork it, contribute back. Tell me what
you think of it. There might still be a lot of bugs.

Seid unbequem, seid Sand, nicht Öl im Getriebe der Welt! - Günther Eich
| Stephan Bösch-Plepelits,                                            |
| Technische Universität Wien   -    Studien Informatik & Raumplanung |
| Projects:                                                           |
| > openstreetbrowser.org > couchsurfing.org > tubasis.at > bl.mud.at |
| Contact:                                                            |
| > Mail: sk...@xover.mud.at > Blog: plepe.at                         |
| > Twitter: twitter.com/plepe > Jabber: sk...@jabber.at              |

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