MAXAR y Digital Globe son la misma empresa, solo q ahora en Adelante todo 
saldrá como Maxar y no como Digital Globe…


From: Marco Antonio [] 
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 6:57 PM
To: OSM Bolivia <>; OSM LatAm 
Subject: [Talk-bo] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Updates to DigitalGlobe Imagery Layers




Kevin Bullock de Maxar informó que existen nuevas imagenes satelitales, MAXAR, 
que suplantan en los editores y son más actualizadas que Digital Globe 
Premium/Standard. Digital Globe Premium/Standard ya no existirán desde el 1ro 
de Julio, osea hoy. Dice que se renovarán con mas constancia haciendo el mapeo 
más actual.


****Hay que tener cuidado con estas imagenes****, y utilizar las trazas GPS de 
OSM o propias para acomodar las imagen a los datos... revisé en varias 
locaciones de Bolivia y hay varios desplazamientos, sobretodo cuando hay 



Marco Antonio


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kevin Bullock < <> 
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 at 03:19
Subject: [OSM-talk] Updates to DigitalGlobe Imagery Layers
To: < <> >


DigitalGlobe, now Maxar [1], is transitioning the OpenStreetMap imagery 
endpoints (from “DigitalGlobe Standard” to “Maxar Standard”; and from 
“DigitalGlobe Premium” to “Maxar Premium”). OSM users should see content parity 
between the old and the new layers by June 30, 2019. Starting July 1, 2019, 
there will be only two Maxar layers available from within the OSM editors – 
labeled with Beta.

Our new imagery services use http/2 protocol. Please note that there are some 
known speed issues with the JOSM editor. A JOSM plugin for http/2 support is 
expected before the end of July (ticket #17861). In the meantime, increasing 
the concurrent connections (e.g. to 20) will help. iD editor already supports 

The good news: imagery will be more recent and more frequently updated with our 
latest Maxar mosaic content. We hope that our improved production processes 
(bundle block adjustment, atmospheric compensation, continuous updates, etc.) 
will benefit OSM contributors.

As always, thanks to everyone within OSM for all your support and feedback. 
Shout out to the maintainers and contributors for iD and JOSM who have been 
fantastic to work with. Look for Maxar at State of the Map and State of the Map 
US; we will be attending and presenting more information on this new image 
service. And please feel free to send us feedback. Happy editing!

[1]  <>

Thank you, Kevin





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