---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ilya Zverev <i...@zverev.info>
Date: Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 5:37 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] The OpenStreetMap Awards - Call for Nominees
To: t...@openstreetmap.org

Hi everyone,

I'm proud to announce the OpenStreetMap Awards, awarded for the first time
this September at the State of the Map 2016 conference in Brussels!

This is a community award: nominees and winners are chosen by the
community. We are now opening the Call for Nominees, to learn more about
the amazing contributors to OpenStreetMap. The Awards strive to be a
worldwide event for all OpenStreetMap members, including developers,
mappers, community leaders, blog writers and everyone else. We need your
help to find the best of OpenStreetMap globally.


Add your nominees on the awards website. There are six categories: Core
Systems, Innovation, Writing, Mapping, Community and the Ulf Möller
Memorial Award. You can nominate up to ten people, groups or organizations
for each category. Eligible are projects or works that were announced after
August 1st, 2015, except for the Ulf Möller Award, for which everyone is
eligible regardless of the time when they were active in the project.

The call for nominees will close August 27th, and shortly after that we
will start the second round, choosing the award recipients. Please nominate!

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