---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Bryan Housel" <br...@7thposition.com>
Date: Feb 26, 2017 10:04 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] iD is getting a new menu...
To: "osm-talk" <t...@openstreetmap.org>

Just wanted to pre-announce that the next version of iD (coming sometime in
March) will have a new menu!
Here’s a picture:  https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/835607333640232962

We don’t often change iD’s user interface, but we felt that iD was starting
to outgrow the “radial menu”, and it was time to move to a more traditional
right-click context menu.  The new edit menu will only pop up when the user
right-clicks, so it will not get in the way of editing as much as the old
menu did.  Also by switching from a circular shape to a vertical bar, we
are less constrained by the number of items that we can add to the menu.

Details about how the work came together over the past month, and
screenshots can be found here:
Thanks to Kushan for much of the code, and Rasagy for the design work.

Please try out editing with the new menu by using the mirror here:


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