I was asked to do some mapping workshop for a bunch of really
non-mapping people.  What they want is to map some "cultural" POIs
within their city and produce a big paper map out of it.

Of course, I can teach them some FOSS GIS incantations, but that would
make the 2-3 hour long workshop over-complicated.  OSM comes to mind,
not only they can use our data as a basemap, they can even improve the
data by adding more POIs.

Ergo, I need your advice.  Basic workshop goal is to teach them some
neogeography [1] ninja moves to make a simple webmap of "cultural
artifacts" within their city.  I need some purely online tools on the

basemap editing - OSM and potlatch
geocoding photos - flickr and its geocoding tool
creating KML points purely on the webpage using osm map- no idea how
creating the webmap with points KML overlay - openlayers or geocommons
print the big map including the POI overlays

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neogeography
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