So judging from the wiki the portugese OSM project standard for reference tagging is now: "EN 329" with a space. Same goes for "A 23" and "IP 9" all seperated by spaces, correct?


Am 18.01.2011 14:17,
Indeed it needed a clarification !

Modificei o wiki primeira parte :

yes i think i can confirm. Even if in some online maps it appears
diferently, the correct naming should be the "EN" separated from the number.

In several local municipalities and in the Road institute is that the norm.
Sorry for discussing in portuguese :-)
In some cases it seems there are numbers composed with an "-" in the middle
like "EN 8-6". I really don't know why :-)
Anyone can bring a light to this?

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Claudius Henrichs<>wrote:

  So just to make sure Google and me understood your portugese correctly:

The *correct* tagging for Estradas Nacionais would be:

ref=EN 329

The *incorrect* tagging would be:

ref=EN329 (without space)
ref=N 329

Additionally I would remove "Estradas Nacionais" or "EN329" from the
name-tag. Right?

So to take an example:

Currently it's tagged like this:

name: Estrada Nacional 108
ref: N108

and I would change it to just:

ref: EN 108

Thanks again for your replies. Bom mapping :P


Am 17.01.2011 23:02, Victor Ferreira:

Viva no Wiki diz explicitamente:
*highway=primary*. Estradas Nacionais (EN, lista
E na lista das estradas de Portugal (oficial) tem EN
Nos mapas convencionais (em papel) sempre apareceu assim.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Francisco DOS SANTOS<>  wrote:

Ok, thanks for the heads up.
The road numbers listed in the wiki page is correct:
it's IP, IC, EN, ER, etc, as indicated in the page.

  Só venho de reparar o caso das nacionais !
Devemos codificar ref=EN2 e não ref=N2 ?

Se fora o caso, vou completar o wiki porque a pagina :
Não diz nada sobre o ref.
E a pagina :
Uso o N e não EN.

E um ponto que precisa ser esclarecido, cada pais tem o seu sistema (em
frança por exemplo usemos o N e não RN, e temos um espaço entre a letra
e o numero : N 2).

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Claudius Henrichs
<>  wrote:
         Bom dia!

         sorry for posting in English, but I feel this to be a relevant
         information and question.
         Some of you actively mapping in Portugal may have seen altely
         some increased activity from some german mappers. This is
         because a user who is active in quality assurance has run a
         "connection check" over the portugese OSM data. This check
         searches for roads that are crossing without bridge or tunnel.
         There is a list with those errors on the wiki [1] and every
         user can take a block of 100 errors, leave a note in the wiki
         that he is dealing with them and try to fix these. Fixing the
         errors is much easier now with the help of Bing imagery.

         I feel that it would have definitely been nicer to have
         informed the portugese OSM community *before* starting this
         campaign, but better late than never.

         Now to my personal question on mapping in Portugal: I have
         read a bit about the road network and number in Portugal on
         the english wikipedia [2]. I see that you have some new road
         numbers starting with "IP" and "IC" that were assigned in the
         2000 Plano Rodoviário Nacional. And then you have the older
         estradas nacionais given out in the 1945 Plano Rodoviário
         Nacional. I already checked the OSM wiki project page for
         Portugal [3] but could not find any recommendation about how
         to tag these. Shall I use "EN329" or "N329"? Same goes for the
         estradas regionais: Should we use "ER32" or "R32"? Thanks in
         advance for your help.


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