Hi guys, i'm a mapper (train&bike enthusiast too) from Friuli region in Italy.
Last sunday i rode my bike on the cicleway EuroVelo8 - D8 - Parenzana
from Italy to the croatian border.
I saw some errors on the map (i will fix them later) but as it's not
my region (and i don't speak Slovenian, sorry for that) i want to hear
your opinion about some of them.
I tried to see the history of some ways and related changeset to write
to the single mappers, but some ways has a really odd history (for
instance w27423088) an no useful changeset comments, so i decided to
bother you.
1. The main problem is that what is on the map is not on the ground
(maybe someone mapped for the rendering only?), for instance
w150510379 does not exists (bikes should use the nearby street);
places with two cycleways (see w181337898 w430628717 w438505181); i'll
fix them.
2. The actual name "Pot spominov in prijateljstva" seam to be not a
name (and maybe not the name of the single osm ways). According to [1]
i would put "Parenzana" as name, and the others as a description (sl,
hr, it, en). Are you with me?
3. It's somehow a mess with relations: for instance tag capacity=* on
r2791179; or should exist both r295450 r2791179 which are pretty much
the same? or can r1775016 become a super-relation with only one member
per country?
4. I've seen on the ground (literally painted on the sidewalks) a lot
of bike signpost with some ref (usually on the form K-NN, with numbers
instead of capital N), none of these are on OSM. What are them? Are
them to be mapped?
5. As an aside, i've seen a lot of motorbikes (probably moped or mofa)
on the cycleways. Is this ok with your legislation? i was a bit scared

Any advice would be great.

[1] http://deltalimatrieste.altervista.org/img/bici/parenzana/villa_tabla.jpg

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