On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Michael Patrick <geodes...@gmail.com>

> "A road is a motor vehicle travel way over 50 inches wide, unless
> classified and managed as a trail. The II_ROAD_CORE table includes all of
> the nationally required data fields representing road characteristics"
> Complete metadata describing these attributes ( legal right to control or
> regulate use of the route, Current physical state of being of the route
> segment, Maintenance level , Surface type, etc. ) at
> http://data.fs.usda.gov/geodata/edw/edw_resources/meta/S_USA.RoadCore_FS.xml -
> this attribute set ('tags') collectively allows evaluation of aspects like
> 'passability' for different types of vehicles etc.

Judging by the HUGE number of slatposted (verticle, as opposed to
horizontal) route numbers in this system, I'd say the vast majority of
these are managed as a trail.  Albeit passable by something with decent
ground clearance (most vehicles will have trouble; I had a Kia Sportage
with a little over 8" of ground clearance and still managed to hit frame to
ground more often than Carfax probably shows on these).
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