On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 2:49 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Alan,
> Alan Mintz wrote:
>> I just tried to look at tagwatch for North-america and got a 404, possibly
>> because there is no north-america directory at
>> http://download.geofabrik.de/osm/ either. What's up?
> We haven't been doing North America for a while now. It puts considerable
> strain on our processing chain and is little used (i.e. we use almost as
> much bandwidth uploading the stuff to the server every day as people use for
> downloading). Most people who have computing resources sufficient for North
> America can also process the whole planet so we thought we needn't bother.
> It is true that this sabotages tagwatch as well, we'll see what we can do
> to amend that. Tagwatch runs on the German OSM dev server which is also
> heavily used. Do you think the US community would be willing and able to run
> tagwatch-US somewhere on their servers? It could perhaps even be done
> state-by-state based on the Cloudmade extracts, or of course based on a
> North America extract from the planet.
I know someone down-thread already asked this, but what are the system
requirements for tagwatch? I have a few servers setup for use with OSM-US:
most of the compute time is being used for tile rendering at toposm.com, but
I could wedge in tagwatch too if the community promises to use it :).
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