Hi all,

> Mapnik already support this,see:
> http://openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/24849/
> But production osmarender not yet:
> http://openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.6758&lon=15.9996&zoom=12&layers=0B00FTF
> What's the problem with osmarender patch?
The problem is that neither bobkare nor I really can review the patch.
It is attached to http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/1435. If Frederik
or someone else with enough time and knowledge of perl and osmarender
tells me "looks good to me" I'll apply it. If somebody else with svn
access wants to apply it without review fine with me too. I just don't
want to break everthing by applying a patch I don't understand.

Patrick "Petschge" Kilian

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