
It was suggested that we tell the list which interstates we are working on to avoid conflicts. Toby's new tool just alerted me to issues on I-40 west of Flagstaff. Since I know that road well, I have started work on them. I also did a lot of work on I-40 from Gallup to Flagstaff, and that has fewer issues, so I'll do that next unless someone else is working on it. Also, we probably should communicate about the interstates using our OSM inboxes so we don't flood the list with stuff. I'm techlady.


At 11:57 PM 7/19/2012, you wrote:
Alright... I got something running.


It is a map that shows all nodes (but ONLY nodes) touched by the bot
in the US and Canada. Actually I thought I was doing only the lower 48
but apparently Maperitive decided that I wanted more. I think it cuts
off at about 67 degrees north.  Red means a node was deleted, blue
means it was modified. "Modified" could mean location change and/or
tag changes. It only goes up to zoom 11 and that will probably be all.
This is partially technical (I'm rendering tiles using Maperitive
and pushing its limits already) and partially legal. This is not
intended as a map to let you retrieve the location of deleted nodes by
decliners. It is simply a guide to finding out where the bot had the
most impact and to direct remapping efforts.

Also, there will be no updates to this map. There isn't much to update
once a node is deleted and redacted. So don't expect things to
disappear as you remap.

Anyway, Hope it helps a little. I have a couple of ideas for other
layers too. I'll have to see what I can come up with this weekend.


Talk-us mailing list

Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

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