Hello all,

I emailed Paul E. Harvey, director of community development, Campbell County, Virginia, about the "named driveways" issue. He gave me more information about road conventions in Virginia. 1. I noticed that the driveway from the highway to Rustberg High School had a four-digit number. Harvey replied, "VDOT IVirginia Department of Transportation) assigns those four digit numbers to roads that serve public facilities like schools." 2. Campbell County requires that any driveway that serves three houses or more be named. Residents choose the name, so it can be a family name. 3. The named driveways that I am seeing is a different issue and may, indeed, be a mistake. He has asked the county's GIS technician to look into it. This kind of information makes all of our mapping better. I will add this to the wiki, but it would be great if this information were available as a pop-up or some other mechanism while people are mapping.


Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

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