Hi all, 

I am giving a 20 minute intro to OSM as part of a larger workshop on Open 
Source / Open Data at the GIS for Transportation symposium next month. From the 
web site: "The American Association of State Highway and Transportation 
Officials sponsors the annual GIS for Transportation Symposium. It is a chance 
for persons in government and private industry who are interested in the use of 
GIS for transportation purposes to get together and share experiences, see 
state-of-art software, and learn more about this field. The Symposium annually 
attracts over 400 Symposium registrants in addition to the 30 exhibitors in the 
technology hall.” 

I would like to hear your ideas on what I could cover. I was thinking so far:
* State of OSM in the US - # of contributors / contributions, active 
communities, major imports and plans, external stakeholders and their roles and 
* Usage of OSM - big adoptions of OSM, especially in the transportation domain 
(which ones do you know?)
* Legal issues - what can you / can’t you do with OSM, recent developments.

What do you think though? Any interesting recent developments in tagging / 
mapping / OSM at large that I should cover? Do you have a recent Intro-style 
presentation I could borrow from?

I appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks!

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