On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 4:01 AM, Greg Morgan <dr.kludge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:

>> 3) New mapper fixes the BadHamlet and starts mapping their favourite
>> restaurants, bowling alleys and coffee shops.
> This is a great idea but I believe that you have the experience backwards. I
> can only speak for myself but as a new mapper but I had no interesting in
> fixing things.  I mapped features of interest or where I found the most
> rewards.

By all means keep doing what works for you.  Build on the suggestions
from many sources, of how best to talk to your friends / colleagues /
neighbours and get them mapping.

And, "thanks!"  It's not a new idea, of course.  This is the same way
Steve Coast started OpenStreetMap; talk to people you know and get
them to map things near them.  This part hasn't changed at all.

What has changed is that we have it way easier than Steve did in the
early days.  We can point to working renderings of OpenStreetMap data,
we can point to applications that consume or even edit OpenStreetMap
on most any device imaginable, we can point to tutorials and blogs
about this or that arcane aspect of the project that holds the
interest of our colleague, but perhaps not ours.  We can even point to
mailing lists and IRC channels in dozens of languages for help when we
don't have exactly the right words in common.

It's way easier to get a potential new mapper started today than it
was when Steve started all of this, over a decade ago.

What hasn't changed is that advocacy is a deliberate choice.  You have
to decide to do it.  But that decision can be as easy as reaching out
to a old contact on your favourite social network,saying, "What's up?"
and asking if they want to know about the mapping thing you do.

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