I just bumped into what appears to be a new Pokemon Go-inspired volunteer 
(https://www.osm.org/user/Sentinelprimek, joined OSM just yesterday) editing 
near me in Silicon Valley and San Diego at the UCSD campus, where I'm also 

In case you are wondering what to look for, it seems having a footpath in a 
NAMED park (or meadow?), perhaps near a body of water in that park, (or 
"birthing" all of those together) is what spawns a Pokemon "nest," so that is a 
theme in many or most of these sorts of edits.  If you see a new user naming 
parks and adding odd bodies of water or random meadows, especially with crazy 
footways, drop them a line via OSM missive.  The friendly-yet-firm one I sent 
initially welcomed him or her to OSM in a genuine way, then in no uncertain 
terms said "OSM is a real map for real people to use for real things in the 
real world.  It is not a toy or game.  The OSM community has been watching your 
edits closely and it looks like you are adding erroneous entries to our shared 
map to further your enjoyment of a video game.   Please stop this.  This your 
first and only warning."

Your mileage may vary.

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