Once again it's that time of the week when The Beyond Radio Network
reluctantly lowers the draw bridge and permits this crazy Texan access
to the servers for another four-hour block of madness from 6 until 10PM
Eastern Standard Time.  Tonight's broadcast will feature recordings made
from the fund raiser that kept both Stephen and myself from hosting an
episode of Blart radio this Saturday, along with other recordings
devoted to Valentine's and Presidents' Day, as well as an explanation as
to why Tuesday the seventeenth is an even unluckier day than Friday the
thirteenth.  Requests, comments, calls, and exotic cheeses are welcomed
of course.  http://tbrn.net:8888/tbrn.ogg.m3u or
http://tbrn.net:8888/tbrn.mp3.m3u are the links to snag.  Only by tuning
in will you have any chance of convincing me to stop writing up these
promotions.  Well, that's not entirely true.  But no one has beaten me
up yet, so I assume it's either ignored or alright with everyone.

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