It's been awhile since I've posted what some might call a show teaser, or disclaimer, depending on your opinion. But despite their outlines not being passed along, The John Zone is very much alive and kicking, wriggling about like a lethargic marmoset caught in a bear trap. Throughout the month of August, the dozens of fictional staff personell have been laboring laboriously to comemmorate Woodstock's fortieth anniversary, complete with any and all serious and satirical tracks on the subject of the 60s counter-culture movement. Most would quickly point out that it is in fact September, but as the septic tank must once every few decades be drained, refilled, and swam in, so too must the vast stores of material prepared for past shows be spilled out onto the proverbial airwaves for all to enjoy. Students around the world have been returning to schools of all sorts throughout the past few weeks. In their honor, we must give them all a proper send-off in the traditional comedic fashion, while being courteous and not pointing out the fact that many of us never ever have to go back to school ever again. All of this, along with Weird Al Yankovic's latest single, an update on my unfortunate grad school anecdote, plenty of coffee, an almost tasteful tribute to the late Ted Kennedy, your requests, comments, and flan will round out another edition of The John Zone, beginning tonight at 6PM EDT, 5PM CDT, 11PM BST, and on Wednesday at 8AM CST and 10AM NZST. For those who may not have listened to any broadcast on The Beyond Radio Network for some time, fear not, for the link, like the aforementioned septic tank, has not been changed for the better part of seven months. Simply click, and let the pandemonium begin!

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