For those wayfinder access users who may not be aware, the following message was taken from the WAyFinder Access users list.

From: Albin Olofsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Monday, October 13, 2008 2:15 PM

Dear all,

Today Wayfinder Access 2.5 is released! Everyone who is a current Access
user can go to using the web browser in the phone and
download and install new version.

My name is Albin Olofsson and I recently started to work as Product Manager
for Wayfinder Access at Wayfinder. I have been following the Talknav forum
for a while and I am very pleased to see the great interest in Wayfinder
Access and all the comments about pros and cons from a user perspective. I
will continue to follow the forum and also be an active participant. Your
input has been very valuable when updating Wayfinder Access. I also would
like to thank Neil who is doing a fantastic job running the Talknav forum,
many thanks Neil!

I really hope that you will like Access 2.5 and that it will contribute to
making your everyday life easier.

Below are the major updates to Wayfinder Access 2.5

* The route update has improved when moving slowly. In Access 2.0 the
guide view do not update correct when the user was moving slow (under 2
miles/hour). This has been changed for version 2.5 making it possible to
approach e.g. a crossroad at a slow speed while the count down of the
distance is correctly updated. Note however, that when moving at very slow
speeds the drift in the GPS position can affect the accuracy of distance to
the crossing.
* Added functionality to use a position different from the GPS
position as position when browsing the Nearby Views. Once no GPS is
connected, the menu option "Use as position" for search hits can be used in
order to set the position for the Nearby views.
* GPS status will now indicate when a GPS is connected but no
positions received as well as status of GPS signal from 33, 66 to 100 % when positions are available. This view is placed at the top of the Info view and
is automatically updated.
* In settings it is made possible to set the update frequency of the
four Nearby views All nearby, Crossroads nearby, Favourites nearby, Places
nearby. It is possible to set manual update or specify the number of seconds
between updates. 0 seconds means that manual updates are required. The
Nearby views will only update when the user is moving and when standing
still no automatic update will happen. For automatic update to start again
the user has to move a minimum of 5 meters. Note that inaccuracy in GPS
positions sometimes will lead to updates of the Nearby views even when
standing still. It is of course always possible to push number 9 for manual
* TeleAtlas Premium POIs are added drastically increasing the number
of POI's.
* Categories added to category search.
* The map loading functionality on has been
expanded to cover all regions where Wayfinder has maps. Searching for maps
has also been made easier.
* Default setting for Around you update decreased to 10 seconds and
Locked Nav. rate decreased to 15 seconds.
* Support for S60 Feature Pack 2 (increases phone compatibility)
* General bug fixing

Kind Regards,


Albin Olofsson
Product Manager

Wayfinder Systems

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