Barring any un-forseen circumstances, the formar wildly popular Things and Stuff will be returning to TBRN's virtual airwaves tomorrow, August 23, at it's usual 10:00 PM EDT, after a temporary total existence failure. Find out what you've missed in the life of Borris over the last six/seven weeks (depending on how you view it), throw things in protest, break a few windows, and have a generally good couple of hours on what might otherwise be a boring Saturday night. Who knows, we may even have a guest co-host or two, just

to see what happens.

With music, phone calls, issues and problems, Things and Stuff is back, and 
ready to... exist? Yeah, that's about all we can promise at this point in time. 
This is where you come in...

To tune in to Things and Stuff, visit on Saturday, August 23, at 
10:00 PM EDT. Actually... No, do it before 10:00 PM EDT, and check out all the 
other fun things TBRN has to offer as well.

Of course, you knew that already, right? Yep, thought so...

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

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