
Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 8:23:37 AM, you wrote:

SPV>> It is not uncommon for me to want to re-send an old message,
SPV>> sometimes to the same people, sometime to new people, and
SPV>> sometimes with additional or updated information.

FW> Why don't you copy the already sent message to the outbox and
FW> edit the header and the message there? This is already possible and
FW> should suit your needs.

It isn't always easy to remember all of the "magic" features
of different folders in TB! and I figured that, since the
existing right-click menu on an email message already has
at LEAST 50 (yes, I counted them) choices, who would be
bothered by just one more that would provide a feature that
other email programs provide?

Of course, if there's a TB! macro programming language that
would allow me to create a macro that does this *AND* add
the macro to the right-click menu, then I'm golden -- as long
as the macro doesn't get lost on a version upgrade.

Steven Vallière | tb ALPHA | mailto:the...@e-visions.com
"If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
   -Larry Zana

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