Jano Skokanek wrote:

> Please, where can I look for any "how to" about portable
> installations GnuPG and Voyager using? I have all items in dialog
You will get info about a portable installation of GnuPG there where
you download it and in the GnuPG documentation online:

> "Options\OpenPGP\Choose OpenPGP version\Select OpenPGP
> implementation" grayed. (I don't have Gnupg in system path, because I
> am using portable version of GnuPG).
If you use GnuPG from PortableApps.com you will have to set some
registry keys properly:


For 64bit GnuPG:
;;Replace "de" for German with your language code

For 32bit GnuPG:
;;Replace "de" for German with your language code

And it is a good idea to add the path to GnuPG executables to your
local or global PATH environment variables:

If you do this in an PortableApps.com installation it will handle this.

Please post further questions about this topic in the *The-Bat.user*

Best regards,

Joerg Schiermeier
Bielefeld, Germany
productive: The Bat! pro v8.8.9.0 (32bit) - wine(at)Debian64
test environment (32bit + 64bit): The Bat! pro - latest beta
wine: v5.18 - Debian64/bullseye: v5.8.10-1 (2020-09-19)
emulated windows version (build number): v10.0 64bit (17134)

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