Hello The,

On Tue, 21 Mar 2023, at 14:56:22 [GMT +0200] (which was 13:56 where I
live) Alexander wrote:

> The Bat! v10.3.3.6 is with further improvements:
> Versions with the auto-update feature:
> 32-bit
> https://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/v10/thebat_32_10-3-3-6.msi

Some lists f.ex. in Preferences have *no visible focus* when selected 
by keyboard-access with Tab key.  
Not good for disabled people.

please, next time, check all lists in Preferences if they can be accessed by 
keyboard! And other UI elements.
Good Accessibility without a mouse is needed.


Using The Bat! Version (32-bit) on Windows 11 10.0 (Build 22621 )

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