Hello Shauna,

Friday, January 18, 2002, 3:44:56 AM, you wrote:

SS> Hello All,

SS>       I still have two problems with Beta 30:

SS>       1. The drop-down arrows on "Get New Mail" and "Send Queued Mail"
SS>          do not function in WinNT 4.0. This has been ongoing since
SS>          about Beta 18 (or earlier).
Not confirmed in Beta 30 on French NT4 SP4

SS>       2. After TB has been running for a few minutes, shutting it down
SS>          generates an access violation error in both WinNT 4.0 and
SS>          Win2K. This has been ongoing since Beta 25.
NO, Runs for 30 min

Best regards,
 sergey                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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