Hi, Oliver.

Olivier Mascia wrote:

Is there some central wish-list about TB IMAP features somewhere ? I'd
like to read it and probably add some input.

Peter recently started a thread on this topic at:



I found your discussion of POP3/IMAP clients highly interesting and educational, and your suggestion of separating POP3 and IMAP clients to be quite thought provoking. I'm surprised that it hasn't generated more discussion here.

In between, I now daily use TB 3.0 for IMAP. But I still need to daily
use other clients for some tasks.

I am also using multiple clients. However, in my case, usage is reversed. I use mostly other clients, and use TB! only occasionally. There are just too many IMAP features still missing, and that, combined with the performance issues I'm having, makes it too time consuming and frustrating to use on a regular basis.

The only fear I have is that the
remaining things to add or correct might be too cumbersome to
implement in an email client that has to do POP too. The weakiest move
of Mulberry was when they decided to add POP support to it. The number
of deficiencies sky rocketed at that time.

This, too, I find very interesting. I didn't start using Mulberry till recently, so I wasn't aware of this.

Thanks for a very stimulating post!


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