Hi All,

This is a ONE time info

It is a frustrating life if you want to be in Jordan. I am here for
over six years. I am Specialized in Stress Management but have other
skills that I can pas over. I will use my experience of the past 3-4
months using this list to show you how difficult it is. I am in this
chat here for at least 10 years where there was an interruption of a
few years. I rejoined in March. Now I notice that my postings don't
get through. Example:

- in March I posted 11 times -- only 10 arrived to this list
- in April I posted 1 times -- not arrived on list
- in May I posted 2 times -- not on the list
- in July I posted 9 times - 1 on the list

I checked my Filter, Spam Folders etc. I re-registered with another
account and posted something what ever it is unsuccessful. I could be
paranoiac and believe that I am deliberately blocked. I try hard not
to think like that.

I know that the Jordanian SMTP Servers are all under heavy
surveillance. Nothing goes out without being scanned and blocked if
they have the slides doubt or if they don't know what they are doing.

This posting is now written using Web based gMail and not my dear TB!.
That is not the solution as example I can't set my "replay to"
according to the recipient.

BTW; in case you have another option for me I am glade to listen to.
If you prefer to Skype me instead of being listen at by the Jordanian
Government then connect to <eddie_adventure>

Thanks for taking note.

   best regards         | Using The Bat! 4.2.42
       Eddie               | on Windows XP 5.1
                              | Build 2600 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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