I'm one of the few folks using TB on a three monitor

If I close the message finder when it is maximized on
my TB screen, the next time I try to open it all I see
is flash of the window opening correctly, followed by
a thin, vertical gray (window edge color) bar along
the edge of the screen and the message finder button
appearing on a DIFFERENT screen's task bar.

Picking "restore" from the finder's window menu allows
me to see and use it.  I can further work around this
by always remembering that one can never, ever close
any of TB's windows when they are maximized without
bad things happening next time the windows are accessed.
Maybe, if the bug is not ever going to be fixed, RIT
could add an option to disable the maximize buttons and
commands instead...

Extra info:  my displays are numbered 3, 2, 1 (in the
physical layout) and #2 is my primary display.  The
primary display is the one with 0,0 at the upper left
corner, for those who don't know.  I run TB on the left
hand monitor (#3), stretched to fill the screen (BUT NOT
MAXIMIZED because that bug hasn't been fixed in the
years since it was reported and confirmed).

The "gray bar" that I see is located where the colons
(:) are in the "image" below (use a fixed width font),
right on the very edge, of, but not visible on, the
primary monitor (#2):

   |    :|     |     |
   |  3 :|  2  |  1  |
   |    :|     |     |

Apparently, the unfixed bug with maximized windows on
non-primary displays has been extended to include the
Message Finder window.  Not sure how long this has been
true, but I suspect it will last until RIT gets their
display library fixed or chooses a different one.

Steven Vallière | tb 3.99.10 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
"If you didn't write it down, then it didn't happen."
   -Larry Zana

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