Hi Bobi
Hi Dierk,

you wrote recently
-at least in parts- :

Dierk>> Don't know about this specific question, but, if I am not mistaken, it
Dierk>> was always so. And I like this a lot as I don't have to click twice
Dierk>> upon changing something in the headers and then wanting to go back to
Dierk>> where I left.
You are right, this behavior has its advantages. Once you got used to
it, you do not want to miss it anymore. Great. Wonder how blind I was
not having seen it before. In need for new glasses...

> To be accurate, when nothing was entered in the editor pane, the cursor will
> always  go  back  to where %Cursor defined; and when no %Cursor was defined,
> the  caret  will  go  to  the very beginning; when something was entered, the
> cursor will track back where it was left.
that is what I was trying to say, right! And I like it the way it is.

Dierk>> BTW, isn't that normal Windows behaviour upon changing panes and
Dierk>> windows?
Not in Windows, and in Word you have to use Shift + F5 to get the
caret back to the last position it was when pressing "store". But it
works fine when you reopen the file, press Shift + F5 and continue
writing at the right position. But this is another feature and has
nothing in common with Windows.

Thank you Dierk and Bobi for your information about MicroEd`s feature.

kind regards
Markus Wilhelm

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