I just thought to download the 3.51 MSI to test how it upgrades a
simple, largely non-functional OTFE installation on a desktop that I
rarely use. So once again I had an opportunity to see the advert for
Lycos Mail. I must admit that I still find that advert confusing,
mainly because it appears to be somewhat misleading.

The short blurb on Lycos Mail states that you get 1Gb storage, but
when you go to the Web site from the Sign Up hyperlink, you see that
the free option only gives 300Mb storage. To get 1Gb, you must pay for
a "LycosMax" account. In fact, if you pay a little more, you can get
10Gb with a "Lycos Personal" account.

So my question is: Am I missing something here. We learned that users
of TB will get free POP3 access, and that is also mentioned on the
Lycos Mail Web page. But do TB users also get a free upgrade to 1Gb
storage as well? If so, nothing is mentioned about that on the Lycos
Mail Web page.

Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro (No OTFE) 3.51.10

 Current beta is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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