Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA wrote:

> Version  MSI with some hotfixes is available from


New MSI files means also new tests against latest wine:

Both are running on Linux (Debian64) on brand new wine v5.21 from
November, 6th, 2020, without any (known) problems.

See also Wines application database about "The Bat!":
There are also three different installation methods described how to
install "The Bat!" on Linux/Wine.

If you find something is not working related to wine please send a bug
report to wine: <>
IMPORTANT: Please do not send it to this list.

Please note:
1.) Plugins which are created for use under 32bit didn't work with
64bit version of "The Bat!" (not a wine problem).
2.) A connection to Exchange servers isn't tested yet but may work.
3.) You may or may not find some nice bugs introduced in "The Bat!"
from the windows world also in "The Bat!" on wine. So please watch also
Ritlabs bug tracker very often and very closely. :)
4.) The bug #2030 "Grey unfilled area in main window after minimize to
task bar and restore to full screen state" in RitLabs bug tracker is
now gone and could be closed.

Best regards,

Joerg Schiermeier
Bielefeld, Germany
productive: The Bat! pro v8.8.9.0 (32bit) - wine(at)Debian64
test environment (32bit + 64bit): The Bat! pro - latest beta
wine: v5.21 - Debian64/bullseye: v5.9.1-1 (2020-10-17)
emulated windows version (build number): v10.0 64bit (17134)

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