Hello Günther Eisele,

on Thu, 19 Feb 2004 18:27:24 +0100 (2004-02-19 18:27:24 in .nl) in the
message with reference
<mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you [] wrote (at
least in part):

>> Here, 'POP hanging' is very unpredictable. POP may work just fine for
>> days.

GE> Here, too. But I notice it's just for one account - the account which I
GE> use for mailing lists and normally has to download 80-150 messages on the
GE> first run.

At first, that was my impression of it also. But later I've also seen
this happen while downloading just a few (not more than, oh, 10)

GE> And I'm quite (but as I wrote not 100%) sure, that it hangs just on
GE> the last message. Which is strange, because when BayseIt freezes on
GE> certain messages, then it should occur more often in the middle of a
GE> download run, and not at the end. Can you confirm that it happens
GE> just with the last message?

I'll try to pay some more attention to that, when it happens again.

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
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