At Sunday, January 03, 1999, 8:57:43 AM, Juergen scribbled the lines below:

>> Max! Please, fix this damn bug ASAP [...]

JF> Hello MaXxX,
JF>    the bug was fixed in Beta/5.
JF>    Now we got Beta/6. You should update...

Damn, you're right. But try to guess WHY OH WHY DIDN'T I FIND THE DAMN
INFO about the new beta!? (which I'm veeeeryyyy slooowlyyy downloading)

            Because it was sent in January '98.  :P


  Adolf Gates albo Bill Hitler. Wybór należy do Ciebie.

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Using The Bat! v1.38 Beta/4
in Polish Windows 98 v4.10   build 1998

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