12/31/2006  9:44 AM

Hi Alto,

On 12/31/2006 Alto Speckhardt wrote:

AS> this affair is also why I'm not recommending TheBat any more
AS> neither for private nor for business use any more.

Sad for the others.

AS> Not here: I have an installation on which the same message base files
AS> are used by multiple clients over a network. This way, not every
AS> client has to fetch new mail for itself and laptops can be easily
AS> synchronized using Windows Offline Folders. Naturally, not all of the
AS> machines have the same screen width, and some users even like
AS> different view schemes than others. But the view modes are not stored
AS> locally, but in the message base. There can only be one view mode
AS> for one folder on the whole network. With "Autosize" that could be
AS> worked around, without the option it cannot.

TB is a local client and therefore should be used as such. It is
intended to fetch the mail for each user. This does not prevent
several users using the same message base.

AS> Not at all, but maybe you only know the crippled versions of TheBat.
AS> There were versions before that worked like the user wished to, not
AS> uses that worked the way RIT wished them to. That were the times when
AS> you could recommend TheBat whole heartedly. Well, "The times they are
AS> a-changin'."

I have customers still using v2.12 because it suits their needs well.
If you prefer v3.0.1.33 so be it. For me Voyager is the best thing
that happened since I discovered TB 1.1 in 1998 and my customers
agree. Aren't choices wonderful?

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.95.06 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195

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