Hello Roelof!

On Thursday, December 15, 2005, 2:02 AM, you wrote:

MB>> Well, I have been writing about this for two days, ever since it

> Yes, I noticed, but I didn't have the time to reply to it before.

I meant, why didn't Maxim, especially, mention it, since he made a
direct response to me--if that's how things are?

I didn't mean you. :)
I know how busy you are.

MB>> In my logical, "commonsense" amateur view, the Outbox should
MB>> respect the address in the To Field and Address Book templates
MB>> should prevail over Account templates.

> Listen carefully what you're saying now. You're talking about address
> book templates and account templates, but it's no account template
> that's bugging you, it's either a general setting. When you're opening
> a written message there is no template that can be interpreted,
> because when that would happen, you'd lose the text you'd already
> written. You can't have half of the template to be interpreted again
> and the other half to be neglected.

I guess the mechanics of the operation are still beyond my ability to

When I re-open a message from one of my Inbox folders, none of that text,
whether in headers or message body, changes. It's still all the same
in my "View Folder" window.

So how is that different from re-opening a message in the Outbox

Maxim has a bug report on this issue as regards S/Mime encryption at

I have put a note referring to it in my report on the OpenPGP "Sign"
and "Sign Complete" issues at

MB>> So, whether it's a failure in design or a bug in the design workings,
MB>> it is something I deal with--not every once in a while, as you do--but
MB>> every day.

> In that case I can only suggest that you finish your messages without
> saving them as draft. You could change the general setting when it's
> bothering you that much, but I guess that would mean that when you're
> writing a message you don't want to sign, will prompt you for a
> signature.


Well, you see, sometimes I like to think about what I'm saying--even
overnight, after I've closed TB! and shut my computer down.

Additionally, the reason I Save messages into the Outbox so often is
to be able to check their appearance in Rich Text View.

I have a subfolder to Outbox called "Reference." I copy the entry of
my message into that folder from the Outbox. I then open it and I can
see in Rich Text View whether I've made a mistake in typing a Smiley
"handle" and whether I like (aesthetically) the placement of that
Smiley at a particular position in the body text of my message.

I am pleased that MicroEd displays only plain text. This is my way to
compose in plain text and double-check the Smileys in rich text.

I enjoy both the Default set of Smileys and the PCWSmileys immensely.

As you have no doubt noticed. :)

MB>> It is not a new feature that I'm asking for.

> Yes, it is a new feature. Just because you don't understand what's
> causing the issue, doesn't mean it's a bug.

Well, I am changing what I call it to "Unwanted Outbox Behavior." See
amended subject line in the headers of this message.

I did that because I trust your judgment on the terminology about this
even though I still don't understand the explanation.

MB>> It is for the MicroEd to work when called from the Outbox the
MB>> same as it does when called from "Write a message to this
MB>> address" or when called from a Reply button or Reply shortcut
MB>> key.

> No, you don't want that, because that would mean that you'd start
> with an empty message and you don't want that.

Okay. I trust your judgment on how to word what I want.

For now, I am leaving my BT report in the Issues section. If I
understood Stefan Tanurkov's reply to me last night correctly, that is
where it belongs.


He referred me to an old bug report, and I did a search on the string
"PGP" and found the one by Maxim about encryption in S/Mime. Found no
other that addressed this particular problem with the Outbox.

Thank you so much for your patience, Roelof.

If you would like to try to explain this to me further, I would be
most happy to read what you have to say and try to understand it.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.63.11 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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