Dear all,

It's still not as I want but I am a step closer to restore full access
to TB!ml.

Alexander helped me in going a step further - thanks Alex. There was a
problem at the beginning that sending was not possible to my new gMail
Account for the ML as TB gave the following Error Msg.

 18.10.2006, 16:14:02: SEND  - WARNING: there were no compatible
                               authentication mechanisms detected
 18.10.2006, 16:14:02: SEND  - sending message to xxxxxxxx
!18.10.2006, 16:14:03: SEND  - Server reports error. The response is:
                               5.5.1 Authentication Required

This was puzzling as it worked for Alexander but not for me despite
having the exact settings. Making a Test Account worked well! Why?
When you click on "Authentication..." beside the SMTP-Server field
[pic: TB01] you can first tick "Perform SMTP-Authentication". From
there you have two chices; a:you keep the login settings as used for
POP [pic: TB02] and b:use specific settings to define an other Account
[pic: TB03]. For both choices you have to define if it's a normal or a
secured Authentication. For gMail it has to be normal.

In my case I used the B option (use specific settings). Actually more
by chance I realized, that this Account had on selection to much.
Under the "A"-Option the selection had a tick on "use specific
settings". Despite it was not visible (as I used Option "B") it
influenced the Authentication under my used option.

I think this is not correct. If I select Option "B" (use specific
settings) then the Option "A" should not influence Option "B".

I like to hear you view and experience!

BTW  I: I cross post to TB!beta (probably a Bug?)
BTW II: Has anyone experience if gMail Accounts have difficulties in
        getting from Y!groups posting delivered?

[pic: TB01] -
[pic: TB02] -
[pic: TB01] -

   liebe GrĂ¼sse
    Eddie :ec:
      on Tour

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