[Reply to: »Dwight Corrin« · 2010-01-25 · 17:55 h (CET)]

Moin, Dwight!

>>> you can make it thinner by hovering with the mouse over the right
>>> margin of it and dragging to the left.

>> 1. IMO it should be thinner by default. This bold line is just
>> awful!

> I wholeheartedly agree. (except that you may not have stated
> strongly enough how bad it is)

It is awful, ugly, bad and »pfui bäh«! – Is that enough? ;-)

>> 2. The plain-text part should include the ">" for quoted text, too.
>  When you made your plain text reply to my HTML message, did the
>  blue line change to carrots automatically, or did it require you to
>  fix it to appear as it should?

I had to fix it manually …


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Volker Ahrendt | q...@ahrendt.net | The /\^o^/\! [Pro] 4.2.23
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