Hello Graham,

Tuesday, May 10, 2005, 11:45:51 AM, you [FG] wrote:

FG> I'm not a developer - but I can confirm this. Many years ago Stefan
FG> was getting into an awful hole trying to do implement what you were
FG> asking. Many of us said "searching is fine" because for most LDAP
FG> servers, users do not have access rights to add entries anyway.


FG> (can you imagine what an international corporation's directory would
FG> look like if all employees had the rights to add their personal
FG> address book into the (globally searchable) directory)

Yep, that's right. I know that giving write access to LDAP for everyone
may be a fatal idea, but personally I'd love to have an option to modify
the contents of directory when writing or reading e-mail with my choice
of e-mail client :-)

I know that implementing support for what we're asking for is a bit
tricky, because there's no single fixed server and scheme configuration
developers could rely on and write the LDAP support only against to it
- TB! needs to be able to deal with different server-side
applicatitions, configurations and user data. In other word, the LDAP
support needs to be very comprehensive, which means a lot of work to do.

For example different minor versions of OpenLDAP daemons seems to behave
differently (I administrate a couple of LDAP servers), because their
schema definitions differs. And there are quite some other LDAP
implementations on the market too e.g. Novell's, Netscape's, Microsoft's
to mention a couple of them.

In addition to that, people turns out to want to use different kind of
sets of ObjectClasses to represent a contact. This makes implementation
again a lot more difficult.

Of course RIT could fix a single configuration and tell their clients
that this is what we actually support, but it's still quite a job to do.

Basically writing an LDAP support should only be following carefully the
LDAP specifications, but practically there are lots of things that makes
writing an implementation that supports most of the configurations out
there hard or even impossible.

Thanks, Tero

Tero Ripattila

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