Hello Peter,
Friday, October 1, 2004, 8:30:44 PM, you wrote:

PO> Hello Stuart Cuddy,

PO> on Fri, 1 Oct 2004 20:17:41 -0500 (2004-10-02 03:17:41 in .nl) in the
PO> message with reference <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you [SC]
PO> wrote (at least in part):

SC>>   When I try to access Help/About The Bat! crashes. No AV, just quits
SC>>   responding. Ctrl, Alt, Del to shutdown. Any confirmations.

SC>>   Windows 98 and 3.0.1 RC3

PO> Ok, not being friendly here, JMHO: W98 and ME suck. They always did. W95
PO> was better than W98, IMHO. Move on to NT4 (workstation), W2k (pro), XP
PO> (pro), almost desperate, anything that's got Pro in it's name, duh.....

You are cruel.

PO> (preparing to be beaten upon..., hey, after W95, trying w98 for a week,
PO> ditching it, I moved to NT4 workstation, after to W2k-pro, still there,
PO> honestly XP-Pro ain't W2k-Pro)

I use 2000 on my other computer and would on this one if it wasn't a
166 Mhz with 64 meg of RAM. It would choke to death on Windows 2000.
But, boy are you cruel.

 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.0.1 RC3 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222  A 

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