
[Mark Partous questioned:]

MP> Do you really mean that unchecking the "Use smiley Icons in the HTML Viewer"
MP> in the "Options/Preferences/Editor"-screen does not answer your
MP> "should require no effort on our part to disable smiles when they become
MP>  problematic." remark?

MP> BTW, this reply does not mean I am "smiley oriented". I only know a few
MP> common ones...
`----------[end quote]------------------------

After much thought, dinner with my wife and a Tanqueray and Tonic or 2 to mull this 
over, here's my desire:

While I'm not one to use smilies, as a general rule, I do understand their need/want 
and how some may derive benefit from their use. Disabling the /Use smilie icons in the 
HTML viewer/ disables *all* smilies.

What I think TB needs is a method to ensure (besides the check box above for those 
that are anti-smilies) smiles appear when they're wanted and not as part of general 
text where they weren't intended. So, if I use troops (\troops\), coops (\coops\), 
hoops (\hoops\) and the like, I can be certain the reader of my missive see's the 
words I used and not any icons replacing the text.

So, during the beta process, as we write back and forth, we should keep our eyes open 
for unwanted text replacement (UTR). Then, the PDSF.MSL file can be adjusted 
accordingly. Does that make sense?


Dennis Hays
5/29/2004 at 8:56 PM (-5 UTC)
The Bat 2.11 Beta/9 on Windows 2000 5.0 2195Service Pack 4

 Current beta is 2.11 Beta/9 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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