Title: Re[2]: on IMAP - 50k mails lost index
12/30/2017  9:06 PM

Hi Eddie,

On 12/30/2017 Eddie wrote:

Hi Paul,

--->>> Paul Van Noord / Wednesday 27-Dec-17, 20:28:18
       on IMAP - 50k mails lost index

E>> In an IMAP account connected to Google I have nearly 50k mails in
E>> one folder. Some times back .....

> Move  (or delete) 49k and see what happens.... It is a Google thing, not
> TB!

A Happy New Year to all of you

Thanks for your suggestion Paul.
Shall it be moved within the gAcount or taking it outside completely?
Further, do you suggest I delete the index file on TB! so as it will be recreated?

Create an archive folder gmail or remove them from gmail...

Index file should update itself after shutting TB down and restarting.

  best regards     | Using The Bat! Version (BETA) (32-bit)
      Eddie             | on Windows 7 6.1
                            | Build 7601 Service Pack 1

- --

32bit TB 8.0.18 Christmas Edition  Windows 7 Pro 7600
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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