Hello Vili,
  A reminder of what Vili typed on:
  Friday, September 23, 2005 at 17:53:21 GMT -0400

V> No. That shows that 0 of 197 is DOWNLOADED.

OK, even if I believed this to be true, what does the progress
indicator beside it mean. It really means all or nothing. As soon as
all messages are dispatched the dispatcher pops up and you can't see
the progress indicator anyway.

V> You  have to realize that. Imagine that you use 20 accounts. It is not
V> possible  to put ALL log onto one screen. The user has to know what he
V> sees  and  why  he  sees it. If he overlooks something, it is not TB!s
V> fault.

Why not. Could they not all show the progress of the individual
accounts. BTW they do show the progress of all accounts up there if you
are actually downloading messages. Try it, Get New Mail for All. You
need to have a fair bit of mail to actually see this.

V> Maybe..  I  say  maybe...  a  solution  could  be that always the last
V> invoked  task  will have the focus in CC by default. That would not be
V> useful  having  20  accounts  downloaded at the same time, but in your
V> case it would help.

 I don't really need this. I just think it should reflect what is
happening just as it does if you are actually downloading messages.

<Hypnotist>You will come around to my way of thinking./<Hypnotist> :)

Best regards,
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using The Bat! v3.61.07 Echo (Beta)
 On Windows XP 5.1 Build #2600

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