Hello list, 
hello Stefan,

The Bat! has a privacy issue which could reveal internal structure 
of a company LAN.

1. Send a mail to yourself
2. Receive it
3. Inspect source
4. Check last "Received: from" mail header
   Could say something like
   Received: from service2.fritz.box (p5dcf13e5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 
Thunderbird generates only for the header:
   Received: from [] (p5dcf13e5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 

What happens on your PCs with the header? Also revealing information?

This anonymization is a missing feature and in such times of lack of 
privacy not really useful!

What do you think? 
I would like to get such anomyzation like Thunderbird does in mail header.


Using The Bat! Version (BETA) (32-bit) on Windows 10.0 (Build 19041 )

'Using TBBETA' information:

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