Re[2]: 4.2.21 MSI

2010-01-20 Thread Maxim Masiutin
Hello Volker,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 18:10:32, you wrote:

When will this be done? – There are a few strings to translate into

The following strings are not used in regular The Bat!, they are used in a 
special version that supports custom tokens, so you may keep them untranslated:

  dlNoSmimeKeyInCertForSign_One'You have an S/MIME certificate for 
%s but it does not contain a private key required to sign the message'
  dlNoSmimeKeyInCertForSign_Several'You have %d S/MIME certificates for 
%s but none of them contains a private key required to sign the message'
  dlTokenPvtKeyGenNonExtractable   'Generate the private key as 
  dlCardFileListsNameCol   'Name'
  dlCardFileListsStatCol   'Status'
  dlCardFileListsScopCol   'Scope'
  dlCardFileListsUserCol   'Read-Only'
  dlFound_N_PvtKeysOnToken 'Found %d private keys on the token'
  dlTokenAlrContainsPvtKey 'The token already contains a 
private key. Please delete it before generating a new key.'
  dlTokenPvtKeyDifferent   'The token contains a different 
private key'
  dlCrystal1CanOnlyDeleteBoth  'Crystal-1 token can either delete 
both signature and encryption keys or none'
  dlExpPvtKeyDirDlgTitle   'Export Private Key(s)'

I will also send this info to the lngcompiler mailing list.

… this bug still exists (broken Virtual Folder name template):

OK, we will resolve this issue.

Best regards,

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: 4.2.21 MSI

2010-01-20 Thread Maxim Masiutin
Hello Marek,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 18:29:35, you wrote:

and these two please, they are related to 4.2.19 betaserie
Are you sure that they didn't exist before?

Best regards,

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information: