Hello, Prezes. 
You wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

P> Hello Alexey,
P> Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 3:57:34 PM, you wrote:

ANV>> Well... Earlier or later it is necessary to write such guide, so I do
ANV>> it now...

ANV>> Also I ask everybody who tests BayesIt! to try feature "extract tokens
ANV>> for selective downloading filter". Is it clear how to use it
ANV>> intuitively, or it is also need to explain?

P> Thank you very much. Unfortunately it isn't clear. Could you explain it?

By using this feature you can easy extract from your current regarding
base all _header's_ tokens which are met _only_ in spam corpus for
more than 5 times (the value is defined by "regarding threshold"). All
such tokens extracted into plain text file, by one in each line. This
file can be used lately as the source of lines for The Bat! filters of
"selective downloading". So, by using this feature you can immediately
kill some spams directly on the server, without downloading it at all.

This (extracted) file is small (about 4-6kb), and contains usually
about 200-600 signal tokens.

Using TB 1.63b7 on WinXP SP1 Corp + MUI RU, spelling by ORFO2002


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