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It was foretold that on 1-1-2002 @ 19:48:43 GMT+0100 (which was 19:48
where I live) Malte Schomers wrote and spread these wise comments on
"Macro for including message source":

> Hi!

> Does anyone know whether there is a macro for including the message
> source? (the one displayed when you press F9)
 A while back, a member of this list, Silviu Cojocaru, had the
 following solution for spam. I tried it and it works, so maybe you
 should give it a go:
"If you are using Yahoo, and especially their forwarding service,
you will find that despite the fact that they claim to filter
spam you still get all the spam that's coming to your account.
But not all is lost, they provide a "tool" for the user to be
able to filter spam on his own. So whenever their filters catch
a spam mail, they put on it a "label". This "label" and a mail
from another TB user on TBUDL gave me an idea for a filter.

Create a new filter.
Create a "SPam" folder in your account.
Tell the filter to move the spam to this folder
Filtering strings:

X-YahooFilteredBulk:   [Kludges]  [yes]

Now select the Actions tab and check:

 Marck the message as read (optional)[1]

 Forward to
 also check "include kludges in text"

Now select the Options tab:

In the "Send generated message" options area select "Immediatly"

After a few minutes you will receive notice that your mail has
been accepted for processing by spamcop. Follow the instructions
in the mail.

- - ->Very important! This filter must the first from the top in the
- - ->filter list.

[1] this should provide a
    hassle free antispam solution where spam goes in unseen, and TB
    handles it without distracting your attention

- - --
If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway."

I hope it's something you are looking for. It works for me !!

- -- 
Best regards,
 Luc                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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