Hello Dan,

   On Fri, 28 May 2004 09:28:49 -0400 (28.05.2004 19:28 my local time),
   received Friday, May 28, 2004 at 19:59:09 +0600,
   you wrote about "Problem with MyMacros 1.10 %RegRead"
   at least in part:

DG> I used RegEdit to find


DG> I found:   Name               Type           Data
DG>            ==============     =========      ================
DG>            ActiveTimeBias     REG_DWORD      0x000000f0 (240)
Thus - RegRead with _correct parameter_ will return this value

DG> I get the same " *** Error ***" returned no matter which account I am
DG> logged into.
I can get it, if i'll edit key path on name to non-existent

DG> Is " *** Error ***" a MyMacros message or is it a Windows 2000
DG> message?
MyMacros - it can read nothing from requested key and return error (I
can reproduce it with deleting some chars in key name)

DG> Am I missing something?
Yes, check writing of key in QT (or use AnotherMacros, which perform
dirty work for you and return current TZ, for me it will be +0600 today)

Best regards,



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