Passionate Bats, 

Yes, they're missing Christmas, but people must be hungry and
cold too?

Here is a link to the situation in Moldova as recounted in The

So our idea of crowdfunding was probably useless unless the funds
can be sent to a bank in Romania, or...?

Word from a friend came today regarding an analogous situation: 

J> We have a friend who just got back from a 2 year Peace Corps
J> stint in Moldova. A group of “business people” <...> pretty
J> much cleaned out all of their bank reserves, and foreign aid
J> has been suspended because most of it is stolen. The whole
J> finance sector there is under emergency decrees with most of
J> the laws suspended. Ritlabs probably did not bribe the people
J> who needed to be bribed.

On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 10:19:44 AM you wrote:

G> Maxim,

>> Hi Maxim,

>> Yes, we are passionate users.

>> We're on board with whatever help we can do, but our congressmen
>> here in NC are useless for this - they seem to be more interested
>> in building walls, not helping others. But would outside pressure
>> on Moldova (human rights comission) really do any good? You may
>> have to physically move out of Moldova. Can you reincorporate
>> somewhere else? Lichtenstein? EU? Isle of Man? Crowdfunding may 
>> help in the short term.

G> It is true, international pressure might not help much.  And if it did, in 
the long
G> term, you still need to find a place to live where things like that are not 
G> Within the EU somewhere?

G> And, if you don't have TB source code stored somewhere on the internet, like
G> DropBox, you must get those hard drives back or it is all over.

G> But, if you do have the source code safely stored, I would get out of there 
G> and don't look back.  That would be me.

>> We were just talking the other day that TB! is one of only two
>> programs we have that seems to be uncorrupted. Be strong! 

>> On Monday, December 28, 2015 at 4:15:50 PM you wrote:

MM>>> Dear Passionate Supporters,

MM>>> You've been with us since 1998 (and even before)! We need
MM>>> you help to save our company from an abuse. This abuse can put an end to 
the company.

MM>>> Since September 2015 our company, Ritlabs, SRL is being
MM>>> abused by police and prosecutors. We have experienced similar
MM>>> attempts before, but now they have taken an acute form. On
MM>>> September 14, 2015 the Police performed search, authorized by
MM>>> a judge, in our office, and seized hard disk drives from all
MM>>> computers, and on December 4, upon authorization of the same
MM>>> judge, they ordered to permanently block all our bank
MM>>> accounts. The judge’s orders in both cases were issued in
MM>>> closed hearing, where we could not present our arguments.
MM>>> There is no such a law in Moldova to permit for a Moldovan
MM>>> court to allow an ex parte suspension of a bank account. But
MM>>> this law was violated in case of Ritlabs, SRL. We have filed
MM>>> an appeal on December 8 and today we have prevailed. The
MM>>> Appeals Chamber has quashed the court order that has blocked
MM>>> our bank accounts. However, we still didn’t get a written
MM>>> decision that we might have shown to the bank. So we still
MM>>> cannot make payment. And the Police and the Prosecutors can
MM>>> make new searches and seizures and block accounts again, for
MM>>> them it is incredibly easy. Our company, Ritlabs, SRL, is not
MM>>> a party of this criminal case. While our accounts are
MM>>> blocked, the employees are not able to receive wages that we
MM>>> transfer monthly to their bank accounts, and we are unable to
MM>>> make any other payment, for example a payment to the hosting provider of 
our servers.

MM>>> We think it is a deliberate attempt to destroy our company.
MM>>> If our accounts are blocked for more than 30 days, we will be
MM>>> forced to declare insolvency and liquidate and we will not be
MM>>> able to develop or support The Bat! any further.

MM>>> How can the users of The Bat! help save the company and the
MM>>> product, and make it to be developed better and faster?

MM>>> Please ask your local representative to send a diplomatic
MM>>> letter to a Moldovan embassy in your country to ask to
MM>>> recognize due process rights in any criminal proceeding
MM>>> related to Ritlabs, SRL, its employees and its assets, its
MM>>> bank accounts. Ask to recognize the legislation of Moldova
MM>>> and the international conventions of Human Rights.

MM>>> For example, if you are in the United States, please contact
MM>>> your local US Senator, who is a ranking member on the
MM>>> Commerce Committee or another committee and who has a good
MM>>> relationship with you, and who is able to send a letter to
MM>>> the Moldovan embassy in DC asking them to recognize due process rights.

MM>>> If a Moldovan embassy will receive such a letter from an
MM>>> official in your country and will forward it to Moldova, most
MM>>> likely Ritlabs, SRL will survive and will develop The Bat!
MM>>> and new products with much higher speed than before.





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