On Sunday, August 20, 2017,  you wrote:

> On Saturday, August 19, 2017, 15:39:50, Chris Wilson wrote:

>> Can someone more knowledgeable than I suggest what's happening and how
>> to solve it please? Thanks. Apologies if it's not a Bat! problem, help
>> still welcome!

> Make sure you've set up TB to use Windows Certificate Store, and not
> it's own.

Hello Jernej,

I  don't  see  that  option  in this version of TB!, perhaps it's only
available in later ones? Thanks for the reply.


Chris Wilson

"Using The Bat! v5.8.10 on Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1"


Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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