Title: Re: How to see the whole email on the screen
Hello Jack,

Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 10:04:54 PM, you wrote:

 >>> By the way, your cut-mark doesn't seem to be working. It seems to be lacking the
 >>> trailing space. It should be DASH-DASH-SPACE.
 >>> Good luck.
 >>> --
 >>> Regards,
 >>> Jack
 >>> Central Alabama USA
 >>> The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
 >>> Windows 10 Home Build 9200
A>>  Thanks for that, both my new and reply templates for the folder have
A>> DASH-DASH-SPACE so I'm not sure what is going on?
A>>  --
A>>  Warmest regards,
A>>  Acheton
A>>  Created using TheBat! 9.3.2 on Windows 10

> Hmmm, very interesting. When I reply to this (your) email, I'm replying with
> your email quoted in the my reply. Your entire sig appears, cut mark, Warmest
> regards etc. If I "select" (highlight) your cut mark, the highlight stops after
> the two dashes. It does not stop after the trailing dash as you would expect
> indicating that the trailing space is not there. This is what prompted me to
> remark on it in the first place.

> However, since this email also contains my original email to you, my sig is
> displayed also which means mine didn't work either. If I try to select
> (highlight) my cut mark. It will highlight the two dashes but not the trailing
> space. Actually since my sig appears in the first place it would indicate that
> my cut mark doesn't work also. And I *know* my cut mark is dash, dash, space.
> It would seem that TB is stripping the trailing space on our cut marks thereby
> rendering them inoperative. Or I've totally misconstrued the function of the cut
> marks in the first place.

> --
> Regards,
> Jack
> Central Alabama USA

> The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
> Windows 10 Home Build 9200

Concerning your sig file, I had the same problem it wasn't being recognised the two dashes were there but the space was missing. I was creating my sig files in HTML mode which failed I found using plain text to create the sig all was well again. It always used to work in HTML but a while back it stopped working. I just selected all my sig file and then selected plain text and it seemed to work. Hope this helps Jack.



Catch ya later,

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