Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6

I have a problem that TB may (or may not) be causing. If this isn't
down to TB, please accept my apologies for an OT post -- but I will be
grateful for any help offered.

Every so often, all my open program windows disappear and I get an
error message with the title "ntdvm.exe - DLL initialization failed"
and the message text "Initialization of the dynamic link library
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL failed. The process is terminating
abnormally."  If I click the OK button in the message box, my system
appears to return to normal.

This error occurs shortly after TB connects to my mailserver to
download. That said, I have a frequent connection schedule, so this
could be coincidence.  For the last few days, I've had five or six of
these errors each day.

Searching through the Microsoft Knowledgebase shows a similar error
can occur with USER32.DLL initialization -- and the KB suggests a
Registry hack to fix the issue (the hack has already been applied to
my machine, probably by one of the NT service packs). FWIW, I've done
a complete system scan for viruses and Norton Antivirus 2001 (updated
as of last night) reports "no viruses found".

Any ideas?


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK

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