Hey list,

I no longer participate in the list because of the flame wars
instigated by Steve Lamb.

I peruse the digest on occasion, but he has certainly turned me off of
the program.

His attitude of "If you don't like it, go elsewhere", certainly must
be affecting RIT Labs' sales.

Best Regards,

In response to your message fromSunday, February 13, 2000, 6:01:05 PM:

list> (#2000-386) - Topics This Issue:

list>      1) Steve Lamb
list>      2) Why not highlighting the newest message in the folder ?

list> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

list> Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 16:50:48 -0500
list> From: Paula Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
list> Subject: Steve Lamb

list> Hello Owners,

list> I ask you to please review Steve Lamb's latests "contributions" to
list> the TBUDL, particularly in the thread "Why not highlighting the newest
list> message in the folder?"

list> Not only does Mr. Lamb provoke flame wars, which involve personal
list> insults and language that I feel has no place on a mailing list like
list> this one, but he sets a tone for the list that is sure to intimidate, if
list> not scare off, all but the hardiest of people or those numb to the ways
list> of Usenet or worse, those that actually enjoy that type of nonsense. I
list> personally know of people who have left the list, because they are
list> grown-ups who simply don't have time for this kind of Internet BS.

list> Note that the person who originated the "highlighting the newest
list> message" said nothing further. If you review Mr. Lamb's postings to the
list> list, you'll find that that is a pattern, no doubt intended by himself.
list> If someone does dare to disagree with his views, he immediately turns
list> nasty and resorts to childish namecalling. I'd also like to point out
list> that Mr. Lamb very rarely provides any assistance. In most Internet
list> venues, such behavior would classify him as a troll. Morevover, many of
list> his posts to the list explicitly violate the list rules and guidelines.

list> Some long-time users of the list have developed an amused tolerance for
list> Mr. Lamb and his ways; others have him in their kill filter. But, I ask
list> you to consider the overall effect that he has on the list and,
list> particularly on newcomers, as he doesn't hesitate to turn his vitriole
list> on an innocent first-time poster.

list> I assume that we all have the best interest of RIT Labs and TB at heart.
list> A small-time program, like TB, can benefit greatly from creating a sense
list> of community among its users, and this is probably the greatest service
list> TBUDL provides - or could provide. Mr. Lamb, unfortunately, undermines
list> that sense of community. In fact, I feel that as long as Mr. Lamb is
list> left to his own devices, TBUDL is likely doing TB more harm than good.

list> Trolls deserve the death penalty, IMO, especially when they persist in
list> behavior, despite warnings. But, perhaps you could banish him to the TB
list> beta list, where he can argue all he wants about "new" features with a
list> more limited group of long-time users.

list> I would appreciate your letting me know if you're not going to do
list> anything about Mr. Lamb, because I find it painful to watch how he
list> treats people and will have to leave the list. It was rather nice when
list> he was on vacation, but now my tolerance of him is even less after the
list> refreshing, but all too brief, respite.

                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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